Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kai Fragrance - my new fav!

I stumbled into the new W in my hood... what a visually tantalizing experience! I would never fancy myself as being in their target market however, I think that I could pass for an "aspirer" if we were looking at like PRIZIM data, because I would LOVE to stay here but just don't feel that chic. However, I also fell in love with their gift shop! I adore ALL gift shops because it's a way to remember the experience AND take a little bit of it home with you :) While falling in love with everything in the place, I found this AMAZING PERFUME that I swear was made for me.

Check it out - smell it - love it!


I know! That for rent sign caught my attention too! Its not your typical Midtown townhome, 2br 2bath tiny yard kinda deal..... Noooooooo.... It's a CASTLE, mate! You just don't see that very often so I thought it appropriate to grab a quick snap of it via car on Peachtree today... So if you are looking for roommates, holler at your girl! I would love to snag a room in this swanky abode!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My 1st stab

Hello All!
This is my 1st post and I'm glad to say that I have finally made my way to the 21st century at this very moment with this blog... I really just wanted to try it out and see if it helps my writing and to serve as an online diary of sorts. I'll probably post about things that are totally irrelevant to anyone else but me and I am ok with that since this is MY blog anyways and no one is forcing you to read this (or I should hope not - sounds almost as bad as grad school, which, I must get back to at any rate).

So enjoy - or not... :)