Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kai Fragrance - my new fav!

I stumbled into the new W in my hood... what a visually tantalizing experience! I would never fancy myself as being in their target market however, I think that I could pass for an "aspirer" if we were looking at like PRIZIM data, because I would LOVE to stay here but just don't feel that chic. However, I also fell in love with their gift shop! I adore ALL gift shops because it's a way to remember the experience AND take a little bit of it home with you :) While falling in love with everything in the place, I found this AMAZING PERFUME that I swear was made for me.

Check it out - smell it - love it!


I know! That for rent sign caught my attention too! Its not your typical Midtown townhome, 2br 2bath tiny yard kinda deal..... Noooooooo.... It's a CASTLE, mate! You just don't see that very often so I thought it appropriate to grab a quick snap of it via car on Peachtree today... So if you are looking for roommates, holler at your girl! I would love to snag a room in this swanky abode!